Beautiful pics of Geri Halliwell and Jenny Taft feet legs

Geri Halliwell, an English fashion designer and singer, as well as actress is a writer. In the 1990s, she became famous as Ginger Spice. She was the first Spice Girls member and the group became one of most successful girl group of all time. Multi-faceted, she is also a model and glamour dancer. As a youngster she became a member of the girls group Spice Girls. She then signed with Virgin Records. Shortly after, they launched the hit song, Wannabe. It was an empowerment music for women. The track became an instant chart-topper, climbing to the top of the charts in a number of nations. Spice was recorded by the group, and it became instantly a hit, and quickly climbed the charts around the world. The album was one of the best-selling in the world with more than 23 million sold and is considered to be the best. Halliwell quit the group and started her own career by releasing the single,"Look At Me. The track was highly praised by reviewers, and charted throughout the world. Auch her debut album Schizophonic achieved a decent amount of popularity. Halliwell is a prolific performer of other work besides music. She became the Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Population Fund in 1999.

Jenny Taft is an American sports television personality who moderates the sports talk show "Skip as well as Shannon Undisputed', which airs on Fox Sports 1. Tafts first love of sports stemmed from her family background that was populated by athletes. In school and in college, she was also a player at various levels. Her goal was to become a sports broadcaster. Taft, who graduated from Boston University in broadcast journalism and a concentration in reports on sports and regional ties started her career as a reporter for Fox Sports North. In addition to reporting on sports, she also was a contributor to social networks as well as being an in-between host for a variety of games. Since she first began working at Fox Sports 1, her team comprised of News and Highlights, Taft was dismissed. Taft worked as a reporter for FS1 who covered many famous tournaments. Additionally, she was an off-field college football reporter who was later promoted to the position of lead college football reporting along with Gus Johnson. When she was asked in the year 2018 to be the host and moderator of the show Skip and Shannon Undisputed the show grew to prominence. Recent appearances include hosting CFB Inside Slant on her own as well as being the pit reporter on the Discovery series Battlebots.

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